Unter freiem Himmel / In the Open Air
Unter freiem Himmel / In the Open Air.
Kerber Verlag, Bielefeld, 2007
ISBN 978-3-86678-056-9
Editor: Kulturstiftung Stormarn der Sparkasse Holstein
Text: Prof. Dr. Wulf Herzogenrath
Text editor: Dr. Rita Wildegans
Translations: Gloria & Isaac Custance
Proof-reader: Dr. Rita Wildegans, Gloria Custance,
Katrin Günther (Kerber Verlag),
Design: Anna Sophie Bertermann
This publication documents the video work "Unter freiem Himmel / In the Open Air" (2007) by Aurelia Mihai. This complex project includes filmic image, a storyboard, an animated film scene and a text by Wulf Herzogenrath. In both the video and the publication, the artist unveils contrasting layers of content in a powerful and visual language, using both a light, playful touch, and stark, reduced means. She blends together the traditional values of Islamic-mystic culture and current Western obsessions with youth.
Published and distributed by
Kerber Verlag
Windelsbleicher Str. 166-170
33659 Bielefeld
© 2007 Aurelia Mihai, the authors & Kerber Verlag